Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Little Mice

Have you ever seen a mute before? And, is there a mute "syndrome" where people just hate all noise including their own voice? If this syndrome exists then the two little Mexicans in "The Little Mice"definitely had it because they refused to talk besides for a "hello" every once in a while. They would go to work and the same time sharp, everyday, and then they would come and sit in these arm chairs under one really dim light bulb.

The mice's neighbors, who owned the place, thought of the mice as the strangest couple they ever met. I would too; I can't stand neighbors who never say anything because I always think they're up to no good. But, the mice in this story are perfectly harmless besides for the fact that they still sit in those chairs even when their roof is on fire! After this fire, the mice move out of the house because, apparently, the neighbors make way too much noise.

I'm just taking a guess here, but the wife may be deaf or mute because she never talks in the story. Maybe the husband had no reason to talk because she couldn't hear him, or she just wouldn't be able to say anything back. The wife could have a speech disorder called selective muteness where she doesn't speak in places that make her nervous. This is much more common than rock solid muteness. But who knows; comment if you find out.


Me said...

The characters in the story are mice. Aren't they suppose to not speak? Don't they just squeak?

Although, it is a very interesting story. It is the only Bradbury story that I have read or heard about so far that no one has died in it. But it is still very strange.

John Donaldson said...

I thought they moved out because the landlord discovered their secret about the bottles. Reminds me a bit is o henrys short stories